Friday, March 28, 2008

Secondary Source 1

My first Secondary Source is an Article by Naomi Rockler from a volume about Studies of Media. The article documents a study comparing two cartoons that focus on African Americans in middle class life: Jumpstart and The Boondocks. Rockler proposes that Eurpoean Americans enjoyed Jumpstart better because of its lack of focus on raical issues while African Amreicans, although critical, enjoyed the Boondocks better because of it's more accurate representation of African American issues. To account for this discrepancy, the rest of the artical chronicals a study conducted by Rockler to analyze the "terministic screens" that people use by which to view these cartoons. She concludes that both European Americans and African Americans interpret these cartoons through a lense of relevancy.

Rockler, Naomi (2002) 'Race, whiteness, "lightness," and relevance: African American and European American interpretations of Jump Start and The Boondocks', Critical Studies in Media Communication, 19:4, 398 - 418

1 comment:

Ms Bates said...

A good summary, capturing both the main claims and how the supporting evidence is used.

Am I right here that the key term "terministic screens" is a racial lens of interpretation that focuses on relevancy?

Make sure you clearly define the central terms of these sources.