One of my primary sources is the television series, The Boondocks. This is one of the only cartoon series that primarily portrays black people with a special focus on the world through the lens of two black children. The witty social criticism mixed with a running commentary on black America makes this show incredibly entertaining. It was based off of a comic strip with I would definitely use as a secondary source.
1 comment:
Aaron--is the TV show on DVD? You'll need some way to access it so that you can view it repeatedly.
In this case, the original comic strip counts as an additional primary source. Although it appears in print rather than TV, it's not providing a removed explanation of the TV show.
A secondary source instead might be something like the book That's enough, folks : Black images in animated cartoons, 1900-1960 by Henry T. Sampson. That book would offer some historical contextualization for treating black figures in the medium, or offer you a lens or approach that you might modify for your own purposes.
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